Seeing Truth (Unedited)
Seeing Truth is an unedited prayer that was channeled from the Ca’s. This raw channeled prayer is for people to see the original.
“Thank you to the angels and the source of the light in the love of the one infinite glorious creator for being with me. To allow the angels and the source of the light in the love to help me see my truth and see the love in everyone that is loving. With my love to my angels they will guide me and let me see the truth of the light in the love to see the right path of the loving light of the source of the light in the love. Thank you and I love you angels and the source of the light in the love of the one infinite glorious creator. Adonai.”
Thank you, we all say thank you.
If you like this Unedited prayer you can read self awareness of truth prayer unedited here. Also you can also read prayers to give thanks to the angels here.
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