Prayers to give thanks to the angels.
Prayers to give thanks to the angels is a prayer was Channeled to Ed from the Ca’s in a relaxed state. This prayer that will help you to connect your personal angels and/or guides. It is best to be in a quiet room and in a meditate position and open your heart. This is a short prayer to give thanks to the angels and to the source. It is best to do this once a day or more if you would like. At the end you can use Amen or Adonai or any other ending you would like based on you belief.
“Thank you to the Source of the light in the love for being in me. I want to give thanks to all my angels for helping and healing me and express all my love for them. Thank you, and I love you, Angels, and the Source of the light in the love, the one infinite glorious Creator. Amen.”
For other Edited prayers.You can start with connection prayer. you can also look at the one for the heart prayer.
Thank you, we all say thank you.