Food prayer (unedited) is to give thanks to the source for the food you are eating it is a direct channeled unedited prayers from the Ca’s to Ed Loggie.
Thank you to the source of the light in the love of the one infinite glorious creator for being in me. To give thanks to every food on earth that supports our energy that connects us to the earth and to the source of light in the love. With our love for the earth we will eat the foods that the earth gives us. With this food that we will be eating we will energize our body with the sources love for us. With this food that we will be eating we will give our love to everything on earth that supports us being on earth. Thank you and I love you the source of the light in the love of the one infinite glorious creator. Adonai.
With this prayer for food you can also read an unedited version called heart prayer and healing prayer for people.
Edited version will be coming soon.