Raising my energy to see the energy of truth.
The Ca’s have asked me raising my energy to see the energy of the truth to see what the sick things people are doing. This is a good prayer for everyone to use to the truth. This direct channeled unedited prayers from the Ca’s.
Thank you to the source of the light in the love of the one infinite glorious creator for being in me. To raise my energy and conscience to aligned with the source of light in the love to be aware of the lies that the evil and sick people practice. We thank you source light in the love to help us with the energy and conscience to help others to fell the energy of lies that the evil and sick people’s energy gives off that is not truthful for everybody. With my energy and conscience raised I can emanate my energy to others that can not feel the evil and sick people energy that they give off with their lies and hatred for everyone. Thank you and I love you the source of the light in the love of the one infinite glorious creator. Adonai.
These unedited prayers are to help you to align your energy to see the truth from people. I do have a Facebook page here. Also, if you want to see other posts here.
Edited version will be coming soon.