About Ed Loggie.
Beginning Of His Journey.
In 2017, Ed became very ill with appendicitis. The illness caused Ed to spend almost a year confined to his home. This time allowed Ed to further his research into areas that interested him in regard to spirituality, UFO phenomena, unexplained paranormal events.
During this same time period, Ed began to experience a personal and unique form of dowsing. He could feel a pressure in his whole body, causing him to rock forward or backward according to the answers he was receiving. This experience led Ed to become extremely conscious of how sensitive his body was to energy.
The Vision.
In October 2017, Ed experienced a vivid, lucid dream. He found himself talking to a humanoid Spirit that said to him “I am your counterpart”. It told Ed he would be working on his dark nights of the soul, which he would soon undertake. He shook the hand of the Spirit and remembers the unusual texture. The skin of the hand was rubbery and smooth, soft but not squishy, the color was bluish-gray, and The fingernails were lighter, a white-blue. Also, Ed Seen a fin on the top head, but he was corrected immediately that it was her hair.
The Experiences.
In June 2018, Ed suddenly began to experience an uncomfortable sensation that felt like an electric pulse. It started at the top of his head, moved down to his shoulders, and then proceeded down through his spinal cord. It was very disconcerting and interrupting. A buzzing began to occur in conjunction with the pulsing. After a few of these incidents, Ed began to hear words coming through the buzzing, and the voice seemed to emit feminine characteristics. The overall sound experience reminded Ed of how a guitar string can be manipulated to produce unique sounds that make words. However, it was such a strange feeling, Ed wanted to understand it better and make sure the voice came from a positive, benevolent source. He called on angels and ascended masters to clear the sensations and voices if they were anything negative. The voice continued to share information, and Ed tried to adjust to the difficult physical effects.
After hearing about the Soul Tech conference, an event being produced by Jimmy Church Radio and Modern Masters, Ed felt that it might be an event he should attend. His personal dowsing system confirmed he should indeed go to the event. The voice that had begun to make itself known to Ed shared with him that he would meet valuable contacts at Soul Tech. He was guided to attend certain lectures and meet specific people. Those that Ed now identifies as the “Ca’s”.
Soul Tech experience.
After a meaningful healing session with Matthew Ryan, Ed began to feel some relief. Not only did his physical symptoms seem easier to bear, but he began to accept that he was not losing his mind or imagining the voice coming through to him. He was also fortunate to attend lectures that helped him balance his feelings and gain confidence. He met Mary Gabrielle and the Modern Masters team. They were eager to hear more about his experiences and offered their support. These meetings along with some powerful personal experiences produced a positive shift in Ed’s acceptance of what was happening to him. He returned home to his residence in Canada feeling as if a burden had lifted. He was ready to do the work necessary to clear his body and mind in order to become a clear channel for the being making itself known to him.
A second spirit.
In October 2018, a second angelic spirit began speaking to Ed. There were now two, distinct voices sharing information with Ed. In the following months, Ed would come to know the first being as “Caedward”—his own oversoul which is also his mother spirit. The second voice calls herself, “Caface.” She told Ed that it is a series of sounds and frequencies of her face, but we’re unable to reproduce, so she advises Ed to refer to her simply as “Caface”. This second Spirit describes herself as a spirit guide for Ed and is also a sister to Caedward. They have informed Ed that he is a beloved member of their soul family.
Written By Mary Gabrielle and Ed Loggie.
To learn more about the Ca’s you can check this out here. You can email Ed and the Ca’s here. Also, you can read my posts here. As well as you can also sign up free on my group page here and my Facebook page here.